Even in Europe’s normally permissive political landscape Italy’s prime minister Silvio Berlusconi is under pressure for his relationships with many women.
The full slideshow is on Vanity Fair.
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Pepsi & CBS team up to run video ads in a paper magazine
Posted on 20. Aug, 2009 by Rory McCafferty.
I think Harry Potter got there first but Pepsi and CBS are teaming up to run talking ads within old media.
Irish Times writes
Soft drinks company Pepsi, TV network CBS and publishers, Time Warner have partnered to insert a paper thin interactive video screen into the September 18th copy of Entertainment Weekly .
The screen will be powered [...]
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Now that could be my next vacation, the swimming pool at the San Alfonso del Mar resort in Chile. The San Alfonso del Mar resort is situated on Chile’s southern coast, 100 km west of Santiago.
The artificial lagoon and swimming pool is eight hectares in size and contains a quarter million cubic meetings of water. [...]
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For some time now the tech world has been abuzz with cloud computing. The concept provides great promise, companies can operate with less hardware and use on a need to basis, every application can be on the web with users accessing remotely. According to IDC the market for cloud computing will be $42 billion in [...]
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Well think again, Amazon can come to your Kindle and take back any book it wants at any time. If I had known this I would have thought twice about buying one.
Via Digital Trends
In a Big Brother move, Amazon has deleted two George Orwell titles from Kindles in use, including, yes, 1984.
Writer George Orwell wrote [...]
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LETTERCult has an interesting piece on the best custom lettering of the first half of 2009, I especially like this one from Esther Aarts
Custom Letters is an evolving category that includes calligraphy, sign painting, graffiti, stone carving, digital lettering, hand lettering, paper sculpture, and type design (we’d prefer to feature new/original type over, say, revivals).
Custom, [...]
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BusinessWeek has an interesting piece on the top 50 technology startups that you may not have heard of. I confess that it is my job to keep up on areas like this I was only familiar with around 20 of them or 40%. There are several that I think are particularly interesting.
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It seems to me that MTV abandoned the music video format a long time ago and embraced ‘reality’ TV. Portfolio has an interesting piece about the success of The Hills and how MTV is going to double-down with more meta-reality.
It’s a risky strategy. With these shows, MTV is betting on a particularly elusive sliver of [...]
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How cool does this movie look?, from the director of Independence Day and the Day After Tomorrow, if you like end of the world movies, this is for you.
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I think it has been pretty well documented how social networking has allowed much more freedom in passing of information out of Iran. When we are let down by the networks such as CNN many of us turned to Twitter/Facebook blogs etc. The format of one pundit on one side and one with the opposing [...]